Collection: Refills

Stop buying new notebooks—refill them.
Cheaper, lighter to carry, less waste. Nothing can stop you from writing now.

We say it tirelessly: at La Compagnie du Kraft, all notebooks are infinitely refillable. Here, you’ll find all the kraft paper refills designed for our products, whether standard or limited editions! In the Heritage and iKraft ranges, each paper refill comes with its own case to independently archive your old handwritten pages for safekeeping. For the NOVUM ORGANUM and DUORGANUM ranges, refills are delivered pre-assembled with metal stitching.

Please choose your kraft paper refill based on the type of notebook you want to refill: leather cover notebook, kraft cover notebook, iKraft notebook, planners... Unsure? Not sure which refill to choose for your favorite notebook? Ask us—we’re here to help!